Monday, May 31, 2010

May 31, 2010

Today Emily, Alan, and Lynn went to the Chattanooga Memorial Cemetery for their annual Memorial Day service.  As usual it was a very lovely event, ending with a 21 gun salute. 

Some of these old soldiers may have been the ones who were at Gene's funeral providing the military honors. 

After they moved to Chattanooga, Gene always went to the Memorial Day Service.  He wore his uniform, and he was always greeted by numerous young soldiers thanking him for his service. 

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Joyce drove down to Chattanooga to bring Marcia to the airport.  It turned out that getting from Colorado Springs to Knoxville the least expensive way involved arriving and departing from Chattanooga.  So after getting her to the airport, Joyce came over to Emily's for dinner and the evening.

Emilly made dinner for Alan, Lynn, and Joyce.  Alan's Mom, Mommy Anne took a nasty fall today and he was in the ER and then with her when they went to the rehab.  So he wasn't able to come for dinner.  Mommy Anne will be OK, but she's got a broken arm, a bad skin tear near her right eye, a fracture in the bone around her eye, and some awful bad bruising. 

Hershey is back from the dog sitters, and she and Emily are really having fun.  She spends lots of time in the back yard.  Emily has erected a baby gate at the stairs coming up from the back yard onto the back deck. This keeps her from getting under Emily's feet when she's trying to get into the house. 

When she's in the house for the time being, Emily has her stay in her cage. She's making it all the way through the night without going to the bathroom, and wakes Emily at about 6 AM to let her know that she needs to go outside to do her business.  Tonight Lynn brought her some rawhide chewies and she was really enjoying them! 

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Emily went to Gaelyn Rotty's wedding this weekend.

She traveled with Alan and Lynn to Berea on Saturday and got there in time to meet Joyce at the church to help with the bows she made for the pews. 

Emily is posing there with her sister Joyce.  Marcia is standing between them -the Mother of the Bride and Emily's niece.  Then there is the beautiful couple - Gaelyn and Steven.  The wedding was absolutely beautiful.

They are headed to Doylestown, PA after a honeymoon and will look there for work near his parents and three older brothers. 

Emily had a chance to visit with all of Joyce's children and grandchildren as well as Ken and Sue Palmer and Ann and Hannah.  She got back home early this afternoon and has had an afternoon to get Hershey and get settled back in. 

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

May 19, 2010

Today Joyce drove down to Chattanooga. 

Marcia got a good plane ticket deal to arrive and depart from Chattanooga.  Joyce got to Emily's in time for a lovely lunch.  Lynn was in the neighborhood at lunchtime and so the three of them had a quick lunch together.  Joyce and Marcia didn't stay for a visit because they needed to get on to Knoxville to begin to attend to some of the wedding details.

This evening Emily went to church and then took Hershey up to Lynn and Alan's for a visit with Sophie.  The people sat on the front porch and let the dog and pup play on the bags of mulch that are stacked up on the porch.  They also ran around a bit in the front yard. 

Monday, May 17, 2010

May 17, 2010

Emily and Hershey worked most of the day in the yard and garden today.  Susan Wright came over and helped out some.  Late this afternoon she went to Church for a meeting.  First Cumberland is getting ready to have a new directory published and they listened to some presentations from several companies who would love to have the job of doing their directory!  When she got finished she brought Hershey and came up to Lynn and Alan's for dinner.

Emily, Lynn, and Alan sat out and watched the dogs getting to know one another.  Hershey is not the least bit intimidated by Sophie, and they played together for awhile. 

Hershey is sleeping in a crate inside the house.  She's good company for Emily.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

May 16, 2010

Today Emily went to church and then to the Choo-Choo to eat with the "Sunday Lunch Bunch."  It's a wonderful opportunity for the church members to fellowship and get to spend time together in a way that's different from the church venue.

Since there was rain this afternoon Emily called to ask Lynn to go down and check on Hershey in the back yard.  So Lynn took Sophie down and introduced her to a new friend.  They'll get to have sleep overs whenever Emily goes out of town so it's good for them to get to know one another.  Sophie was very good with her.


Hershey escaped from the back yard when Lynn and Sophie headed home, so she walked up to Sophie's house and spent a little time exploring her new friend's house and yard. 

Saturday, May 15, 2010

May 15, 2010

Today Emily and Hershey worked outside in the yard.  They worked a bit in the front yard and a new neighbor came by walking a puppy.  It was a small boxer type dog.  Hershey spent a little time getting to know the new neighbor pup, and now they both have a new friend!

Later in the afternoon Emily and Lynn took the truck and went to the Barn Nursery to pick up some mulch and plants.  On the way home they decided to stop by Linda's produce stand.....but when they stopped the truck wouldn't turn off!  What an adventure.  They drove to Pep Boys where they said they'd need to keep it for awhile, then they drove back to get a car and then back to Pep Boys!  They have it overnight and have to replace the ignition key mechanism...something about keys and tumblers wearing out.  She'll get it back tomorrow. 

This evening she took Lynn, Alan, and Liga out to dinner for Alan's birthday.  Provino's was the choice!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

May 13, 2010

Hershey and I spent all day outside. She enjoyed exploring the back yard. I was rearranging 'stuff' And disposed of some of it. I also bailed the water out of the boat and tried to hose the cover to clean it. It needs more work.

Hershey is asleep in her crate and I'm on my way to bed!

This was a very warm day.

Something was eating some of my little plants, I think birds did it!

Liga came by twice today to see Hershey. Lynn came too! I think Hershey has charmed all of us.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

May 12, 2010

Emily has a new little puppy.  Her name is Hershey (Her-She) Howard.  She was one of a litter born to a dog rescued by the Faires family from Emily's church.  They didn't know the dog was pregnant when they took her in, but she was!  Jeannie was calling this little dog he, and one day her husband looked at her and said, "Jeannie, this dog isn't a He it's a Her -- She.  And she became known as Her-She or Hershey.  She's a little doll and will be a great friend for Emily.

Emily reports:






Tuesday, May 11, 2010

May 11, 2010

Emily took a trip with the Sunshine Club from church today.   They left this morning at 10:30 and got back home at about 3 this afternoon.  They went to the Hughes Family Farm at Flat Mountain   It's Strawberry Season - they were so beautiful. They have a Facebook Page! Just look for Flat Top Farm Market.

She brought home several pints.  She shared with her neighbor and sent several home with Lynn. 

Later they went to the The Cookie Jar Restaurant on the Johnson Family Farm in Dunlap. They have a collection of cookie jars all over the restaurant and are well known for their country cooking. 

This afternoon when she got home, she put in some more onions.  

This evening some of those strawberries she brought home got put to good use as she joined Alan and Lynn for a dinner of pancakes and strawberries. 

Monday, May 10, 2010

got the tomatoes mulched and planted some more onions before the raid today. Then I spent time working the "paper" organization.  The garden is looking good - if I can just beat the weeds.  I still have some nut grass to get after.

Betsy sent me some great pictures for Mother's Day.

I will be going with the "Sunshine Club" to Jones' Farm for strawberries tomorrow.
We'll have lunch and be home by mid afternoon.  It will be a full day.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

May 9, 2010 - Mother's Day

Emily and Anne spent Mother's Day with Lynn and Alan

Russ and Tina, Lynn and Alan, and Steve and Pat got Emily this beautiful Geranium for Mother's Day.  She seemed pleased.

Emily's Granddaughter got a great Mother's Day gift.  She felt her baby move for the first time!  Happy Mother's Day Sarah.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

May 8, 2010

Today Liga took Emily and Lynn (in Emily's car) up to Knoxville for a wedding shower for Gaelyn Rotty.  Gaelyn is Emily's great niece - Joyce's grandaughter, and Marcia Judge's daughter.  It's pretty hard to believe that she's going to be married and graduate from college (both in the same weekend!)

She and her new husband, Steve, are going to live in Philadelphia where his family is from.  I'm sure she'll get used to the colder weather. 

It was nice to see Emily, Frances, and Joyce together at Gaelyn's shower.  The three matriarchs they've taken to calling themselves.  That's nice. 

May 7, 2010

Today Emily had a couple of heart tests.  She reported early in the morning and had a stress test.  She went at 8 o'clock for the treadmill portion of the test.  After it was over they did an echocardiogram.  Then they sent her home.  She got home and planted another row of beans, put down some mulch between the rows - soaked newspapers with a thick covering of wheat straw.  By that time it was time for her to go back to the doctor's office for an echocardiogram from a rested state.  (Perhaps that should have been the first one, before she had time to get started this morning!)  It may be a bit hard to get a resting echocardiogram from Emily once her day gets started.

She got her car back this afternoon.  Yesterday Lynn took her down to B&F and so she could get a sensor replaced, but they decided to keep it overnight and she decided to have them go ahead and do a regular service, so now she's gotten that all taken care of and has the car back.

She's excited about going up to Knoxville tomorrow for Gaelyn's shower.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

May 6, 2010

I worked in the garden some this morning - weeding, cultivating and especially pulling up nut grass that has made a home in the garden ever since Gene was gifted with some free top soil a few years ago. I got all three rows of beans done and the one row of peas.

This afternoon Lynn helped me get the Volvo down to B&F to be serviced. Came home felt tired; took a short nap. Decided to get the beans mulched so I put down wet newspaper between the rows then covered it with straw and gave it all a good watering. Look out weeds I've got you covered!

Wonder why I am so caught up in making a garden for myself. I guess it makes me feel it touch with Gene, he loved to see things grow. And I'll have white half runners to can and share with Gregory. There will be more to share with Lynn and her family as well.

May 6, 2010

Chattanooga National Cemetery
very near Gene's burial place

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

May 5, 2010

Today Emily worked out in the yard and her garden.  She has beans and peas coming up, several varieties of tomatoes, and then in a raised bed she has swiss chard and buttercrunch lettuce.  She's also got a nice batch of onions coming on. 

This evening she went to church for Wednesday night dinner and worship.  She always enjoys Dr. Carver's interpretations of the lesson.  She had read the Matthew text he was going to speak about tonight and was eager to hear his interpretation. 

She is beginning to talk about getting a dog.  Lynn and Alan have offered to doggie sit anytime she has to be out of town, so we'll see if something happens in the next little bit.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

May 4, 2010

I planted the Heirloom tomato plant "Purple Cherokee" Lynn gave me.

I dug a twelve Inch hole, pinched off the lower two leaves and put about 1/4 cup crushed egg shells and a heaping Tbsp of Epson salt mixed with some of the loose soil in the bottom of the hole. I set the tomato plant in place,packed some soil and poured water on it. Then I pulled soil up and all around, being sure to make it firm.

I now have a variety of tomatoes in the garden. Maybe this is the year of the TOMATO!
I found some seed from Pete,Gene's Army Sgt, the TFIS, Lemon Boy, Brandywine, Roma, Jubilee, Yellow Pear, and Celebrity.

Monday, May 3, 2010

May 3, 2010

This is Daniel Richelson's 30th birthday!  Kids do grow up. 

I went outside to putter in the yard this morning, and found myself going from planting some petunias to replanting some very crowded butter crunch lettuce. When I thought about going in for some lunch and looked at my watch, it was 4:00PM!  So went this another day.  Well I did go to the grocery and made a jello dish for CPW meeting at church tomorrow.

Tomorrow is voting day.  Lynn came down to look over the candidates with me. She is looking spiffy  wearing a neat black and white blouse w/ black slacks.  Her short hair is so neat!  She also gave me a facebook lesson.  I guess since all my young people , children, grand and great grands as well as many friends are doing facebook, I may as well get on the track.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Emily had a really full day today. 

She went to church this morning.  That is a community where she is very active and gets lots of good support.  She enjoys Sunday School, Church, Wednesday night dinners and service, as well as her leadership role in the church.

This afternoon she had a nice surprise.  Her baby sister, Joyce, who had been visiting her son David came through for a really short visit.  They had a nice time.  Joyce was just leaving and she said to Mom that she wasn't sure what she would be wearing to Gaelyn's wedding.  Mom brought her back inside and had her try on a couple of things.  She found a dress that she's going to wear.  We thought it was great fun that Joyce is going to be a GOB (Grandmother of the Bride) or maybe NOB (Nana of the Bride).  We are looking forward to the wedding and festivities.

Steve and Pat were heading to the Derby yesterday, but by the time they hit the split to go on to Louisville or take the road over to Somerset, they had decided that the bad weather was too much.  The prediction was rain and umbrellas aren't allowed at the Derby, and the infield would have been awfully muddy and very crowded.  They decided to play chicken and took the split to Somerset.  They spent a lovely night at Cumberland Falls and then got up this morning to go down to Goodwater and take a look at the logging at the property down there.  Then they made their way down to Chattanooga for dinner and a visit.  She made a great dinner and Lynn and Alan along with Liga and Valdis joined them for dinner.  They got to Chattanooga in time for a brief visit with Joyce as well.

West and Middle Tennessee have really suffered from the rainfall.  Nashville recorded the most rainfall in a day that they've ever recorded, and it's headed toward Chattanooga.  Emily is set with a flashlight by her bed and Lynn and Alan on her speed dial in case there's any difficulty with the rain as it comes eastward tonight.

In the meantime, for those who pray - remember those who have been harmed by the weather. 

Saturday, May 1, 2010

May 1, 2010

Today Emily's neighbor, Lottie, decided that she needed some mulch for her yard.  She and Emily took the truck down to the Barn Nursery and got several bags of mulch and then brought it back.  Then she went to the grocery store.

This evening Liga and Valdis stopped by to watch the Kentucky Derby with her.  They had pizza and watched as a sloppy track gave the win to the most experienced jockey! 

Emily is looking forward to having Steve and Pat there for dinner tomorrow evening.  They'll have some stories to tell - they were at the Derby this year!

April 30, 2010

Emily had a busy day today.  She says she needs to be able to do another day's work at the end of the day like she used to!

Today she had an appointment with her dermatologist at 8:00 in the morning, but they didn't get her back to the examining room until about 9 o'clock.  She said her morning was just gone!  She went to lunch with two women who were in the grief counseling group at the church.  They ate at the Epicurean over in East Ridge.  She enjoyed spending time with the ladies.

Late this afternoon she worked some in the garden.  Steve and Pat are planning to come by for dinner on Sunday evening and she is already beginning to plan what she wants to put together for dinner.