Monday, August 31, 2009

August 31,2009

Gene had a restful day today and had some times when he was alert/others when he mostly rested. He had a couple of visitors today and had some interaction with them and expressed that he was really pleased that they were there. He was breathing comfortably today with pressure at 10 and oxygen at 40.

Emily went three times to the hospital today. She is a strong advocate to assure that the things that are supposed to be done for Gene actually get done. Tonight she called in the nurse to show her that the wedge that is supposed to be used to reposition Gene was not properly placed, and got her to help place it properly. She then asked her to make sure to check it throughout the night to make sure it's placed correctly. Dr. Brice will be checking Gene's pressure wound tomorrow. Emily plans to get there early in order be there when he's there.

Today Emily baked a pound cake and took it in to the staff. They really bragged on it! When she told them to make sure that Dr. Deversa got a piece, one of the staff said he'd better hurry - she'd already had 4 pieces. (Emily said she sliced it kinda thin)

Tomorrow Emily is planning to go in the middle of the day to a meeting of the women of the church. She said sometime over the weekend that this all seems like a bad dream. She is very tired but is intent on being a strong presence for Gene. It also seems that she is beginning to find a balance to participate in church life again.

Prayer Requests
Please pray for Gene's respiration to grow stronger, and for both Emily and Gene to have peace.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

August 30, 2009

Emily went to church today and then spent quite a bit of time with Gene at Kindred. He roused to say hello to visitors, but was very tired today and seemed not to have much energy. His pressure is back up to 10 and oxygen at 40. He seems very comfortable at these settings right now.

Emily shared that it is concerning to her when Gene tries to communicate and she is unable to understand what he is trying to say. It must be very difficult for Gene, who is so social, and who loves to talk, not to be able to let folks know what he has on his mind.

Joyce has been here for several days; she worked on the flower gardens and did several other things around the house for Emily. She stayed until this morning, a bit longer than she had intended.

Prayer Requests:
Please pray for Emily to have strength and courage as she advocates for Gene's needs, and for Gene's respiration to continue to grow stronger.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

August 29, 2009

Today Gene had a trial of being off the ventilator - he had a successful 45 minutes of only supplemental oxygen before he had to have supplemental pressure again. He also had his bandage on the pressure sore changed. It appears not to have gotten any worse. That is great news!

Tonight Emily's sister Joyce shares some of her thoughts...

I thought about how very special it is to see Emily greeting Gene, and then he smiles most of the time. Tonight he was trying to say something to her when she came toward him, and she bent down to kiss him...then he smiled at her. Other times I observe how very tenderly she 'tends' him...making certain to take care of his nails, keeping watch to make sure the toenails are taken care of. She gave him a manicure, pedicure (almost) and always asks him "Do you want me to wash your face with cold water?" He usually responds in the affirmative.

The love and deep commitment shown between Emily and Gene at this time in their lives is simply beautiful! I am certain that her tender touch is helping him heal in body and spirit. It is an honor for me to witness this couple express their love and their joy for one another. And I am blessed by Gene's courage, his patience and his tolerance to endure such a long and arduous hospitalization. I pray he will succeed in getting off the ventilator, and that he will be able to VOCALIZE all the things he has been trying to tell us all this time! ~ jvj


Prayer Requests
Please continue to pray that Gene's respiration will continue to grow stronger every day. Pray also that Emily will have peace.

Friday, August 28, 2009

August 28, 2009

Gene has been on pressure 5 all day. This evening when Emily and Joyce visited, the respiratory nurse told them that Dr. Gunter had left orders that tomorrow would be a trial for Gene to be off the pressure and on supplementary oxygen only. It will be hard work for him tomorrow, and the respiratory team will be on standby in case his pressure support needs to be put back.

The wound team will also re-do his dressing on the pressure sore and have an opportunity to assess how it is healing. Emily advocated for them to wait to take him off the air pressure until the wound had been redressed.

The family has been told on many occassions that getting Gene weaned from the ventilator would be the most important step that could be made toward his healing. It may be a difficult day for Gene tomorrow, as he will not be having any pressure support at all.

Pray for his respiration to be strong and for him to have the strength and courage to breathe on his own. Pray for Emily to be strong and at peace.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

August 27, 2009 - Mid-Day Update

Emily has just reported that she spoke with the Head Respiratory Nurse this morning. She told Emily that Gene is doing exceptionally well. His pressure is at 6 and his oxygen is at 30. She says that this is almost nothing. They are aggressively pursuing the weaning process and just as soon as he is ready, pressure will be stopped and he will progress to oxygen support only. All of the tracheotomy apparatus will stay in place for a time.

Continue your prayers for his respiration to grow stronger!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

August 26, 2009

Gene had a good night and a good day today. For most of the day his pressure support has been set at 6 and his oxygen was at 25 which is very close to the level of oxygen in normal air. Emily reports that he is working a little harder at 6 than at 8 but he still seems very comfortable. The doctors have consistently said that getting him weaned from the ventilator will have positive consequences for all his other medical conditions. One of the respiratory therapists told Emily today that they had a very aggressive protocol to try to wean Gene from the vent in a week or two.

Lynn was able to visit with him in the morning before being banned from the Kindred facility for a couple of weeks at least, and found him to be in good spirits and very comfortable. She talked to him about the importance of being weaned from the vent and asked him to work hard on the breathing. He said, "I work hard every day".

Gene had another round of antibiotics after the last debriding procedure when his temp and white blood counts went up a bit. And of course, one of the side effects of large doses of antibiotics is yeast infections. In the last few days, Gene has been dealing with that and has been given medication.

Emily was at the hospital for a good length of time in the morning. Later in the day she went to the grocery store. It may be the first time in a long time she's had an opportunity to go shopping. When she got home she went and got the mail and discovered that she was so tired that she had a short nap. I think the accumulation of everything is catching up with her. She went back to the hospital to tell Dad goodnite and helped get Dad turned.

Joyce is planning to come down tomorrow to be with Emily for a day or so. Gene so enjoys visits from family; it will be a real boost to him.

Prayer Requests
Pray for Gene's respiration to continue to grow stronger every day, for his body to marshal the resources it needs for healing, and for Emily to have peace and strength.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

August 25, 2009

Gene had a good day today. His pressure is set on 8 and his supplemental oxygen is set on 30. The goal is to have his pressure on 5. When he reaches that level and is stabilized on it, he will be able to begin the process of having only supplemental oxygen.

Lynn talked to him about the importance of working hard to breathe on his own. He said, "I'm working at it real hard." Some days it's easy to see that he works so hard, it wears him out. Emily spent a good amount of time with him. She goes to see him 2 or 3 times every day, and tries to be there about 7 every evening to check in with the night staff. Today the physical therapists showed her how to do some of the range of motion exercises with Dad and suggested that she do them 3 or 4 times a day. She will.

The pressure wound seems to be responding to the various medical interventions. Perhaps the addition of protein to his diet has helped. They ran some tests this past Monday, but the results aren't back yet.

Prayer Requests
Please pray that Gene continues to improve, specifically his pressure wound and that his respiration continues to grow stronger every day. Pray for Emily to have strength and the ability to tend to her own needs and the needs of home, as she negotiates advocating and caring for Gene.

Monday, August 24, 2009

August 24, 2009

Gene seemed to have a good day today, and said that he had a good night last night. His pressure was on 10 today and his oxygen was on 30. This is a good start on lowering the pressure!

Emily found him alert this morning and spent a good amount of time with him. She didn't go in the middle of the day this time, because she had a dental appointment and needed to take care of that.

Today they did the test which will determine if his protein levels are high enough, but the results have not come back yet. Early evening, about 6:00 they also ran a scan of his neck. This is probably at the request of his surgeon - the results will probably determine if the collar can come off for good.

Lynn was able to visit with Gene for awhile this afternoon and show him a couple of apples from the apple tree he planted several years ago. He was delighted and asked for us to save him some. I suppose we'll dry some and when he's well enough to eat, have Emily make some fried apple pies.

Gene had asked Emily something about the house, so she brought pictures this evening for him to look at. He seemed to enjoy looking at the house and the family groupings. He has a particular weakness for the beautiful great grandchildren and just beamed when he saw their pictures.

Prayer Requests
Please pray for Gene and Emily to have peace. Pray that Gene continues to have good improvement in his respiration and his pressure wounds and that his body continues to be able to process and use the nutrients he needs for healing.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

August 23, 2009

Gene was a little less energetic today, but seemed comfortable and alert.

His pressure today has been set to 12 and his oxygen at 30%. He has seemed to be aware of his visitors and responded to conversation. Emily has been at the hospital three times today. This evening about 8:30 Dr. Deversa was still there, and checked in with Emily and Lynn and Alan as they left. He said that the news about the pressure wounds was good news. Tomorrow they will be running the test that will indicate whether or not his protein level is high enough. If it's not they will be adding more to his diet.

Gene has been asking for water. He isn't allowed to drink anything because of the tracheotomy, but his mouth gets dry. There are these small sponges on a stick - they look a little like a sucker. One of them is red and has some kind of flavoring on it. He does NOT like the flavor at all. If someone approaches him with that one he clamps his mouth shut and will not tolerate it. However, the green ones, apparently don't have a flavoring. Once he figures out that it's not a red one, he will open his mouth wide! The instructions are to dip it in water and then squeeze it out. So there's really not much water in it at all. For right now while they are carefully watching how he tolerates lowering the ventilator pressure he isn't allowed to have water or even ice.

Yesterday, he had lots of company, lots of activity, and was very awake and alert. Dr. Deversa stopped in and told us not to be surprised if he was less energetic the next day. It was good that he said something, because it was easier today when he was less alert to remember those words.

Prayer Requests
Pray for Gene's respiration to continue to grow stronger and for his pressure wounds to continue to heal. Pray for Emily to have strength and be at peace.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

August 22, 2009

Gene was very alert and had lots of activity today.

This morning Emily, Frances, and Joyce visited with him and serenaded him once again. Bruce was there and gave Dad a great massage - it seemed to be such a healing touch. Dr. Carver and his wife were there and before they left Dr. Carver read a psalm and had a circle of prayer. Lynn was able to spend time with Gene this morning as well.

The wound nurse changed the dressing on the pressure sore today. Her assessment was that it looks the same. The small sores one on his heel and one between his shoulder blades were all smaller. Dr. Deversa said that this was a good sign that his body may be beginning to marshal some of its resources to heal the wounds. Frances asked about his protein, and there will be another check on Monday. They have upped the protein in his feeding, but can only check once a week to get an accurate reading.

This afternoon Frances and Emily went back to visit again. They took a break this afternoon and went to the movie Julie & Julia. It's a good thing that Frances was able to talk Emily into that! She rarely is taking time for any kind of R & R. Early this evening they were back at the hospital and were joined by Frances' husband Bob, and their two sons Jon and Tim. The guys had driven down from Lexington to visit with Gene. He seemed glad to see them. They stopped by Emily's after the visit and Lynn had a chance to spend a little time visiting before they headed back to Lexington this evening.

Prayer Requests
Please pray that Gene's respiratory strength will continue to grow, that his pressure wound will begin to heal, and that he will have peace. Pray that Emily will have strength and peace of mind.

Friday, August 21, 2009

August 21, 2009

Today is Emily's birthday. Her sisters Frances and Joyce came in on Thursday and stayed to celebrate with her. For many years Gene has gotten her a dozen red roses for her birthday and anniversary. A couple of days ago he asked Alan and Lynn to make sure she got her roses. So today Emily got a dozen roses from Gene by proxy. They are in the beautiful crystal basket vase that had belonged to Grandma VanSant.

This afternoon the three sisters again visited with Gene at Kindred. There was another serenade. At one point when Emily asked him if he wanted to hear more, Gene shook his head yes. Sometimes they all three sang, a couple of times Frances had to drop out and hope that Gene didn't see her tearing up - Emily sang a couple by herself. A few of the songs they sang were, Precious Lord Take my Hand, Savior Like a Shepherd Lead Me, Be Thou My Vision, What a Friend We Have in Jesus, O Jesus, I Have Promised, Morning Has Broken, This is My Father's World, and Near To The Heart of God. This is such a lovely, wonderful thing for Gene.

Gene's sister Mary and her daughter Lynda drove down from Harlan today for a visit with Gene. Emily reported that Gene really responded well to their visit. Lynda is so vivacious and really has a way of bringing out the best! Gene loved seeing them.

Prayer Requests
Please pray for Emily to have peace of mind. Pray for Gene to have increased respiratory strength, for his pressure wound to heal, and for him to be able to use his nutrition and gain strength.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

August 20, 2009

Today Gene has been running a fever and is tired. Last night they were unable to get an IV in so this morning they inserted a PIC Line. He had visits from Emily's sisters, Frances and Joyce. In the afternoon, they sang to him. Gene used to talk about going down to Mt. Victory to see Emily when they first began courting. The two little sisters thought he was coming to see them too. Gene and Emily would find a few minutes away from chores and family and steal over to the Grove to have a few minutes to themselves, and here would come Frances and Joyce to keep them company. Gene would find a nickle and give it to them to go over to the store which was just across the road from the house. The girls would run over to the store and buy their candy or pop and run back just as quickly as they could!

This afternoon was another memory from long ago. Out in the hall at Kindred passersby could hear the lovely harmony of songs of old coming from room 206 - Frances carrying the melody, Joyce singing harmony, and Emily joining in from time to time. They sang the songs that they used to sing in the Grove, and Gene listened - mostly with his eyes closed, but sometimes looking at them. When Emily at one point asked if he wanted to hear more, he nodded his head yes.
They sang Clementine, The Little Dutch Girl from Sheboygan, My Little Playmate, and My Old Kentucky Home. They also sang some of the old hymns - Whispering Hope, Blessed Assurance, In the Garden, and Blest Be the Tie That Binds. They promised that they would come back tomorrow and sing some more.

The speech therapist was at the door and told Lynn that the interaction he was getting from the family was a thousand times better than anything she could possibly do with him. Visits from friends and family are so inspiring for him.

Prayer requests
Tomorrow is Emily's birthday. Please remember her in your prayers - that she will have strength and courage and that she will have peace of mind. Remember Gene as well - that he will have the courage for this battle.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

August 19, 2009

Gene is feeling better and is much more responsive today. He seems to be on an upturn now from the debridement procedure.

Steve and Russ came into town today for a scheduled meeting with Gene's doctor, Dr. Deversa. Emily, Russ, Lynn and Alan, and Steve met with him and other members of the care team. The meeting was an opportunity for the family to have a better understanding of the priorities for Gene's care; the delicate balance of ventilator weaning and the pressure wound care, as well as to address other concerns of both the care givers and the family. Emily's birthday is on Friday. She would be very uplifted by cards, calls, and e-mail.

After the meeting which was late in the afternoon, the kids took Emily out to dinner for an early birthday celebration at our local Greek restaurant, the Acropolis since everyone won't be together on Friday. It was a good opportunity for visiting and discussion of the meeting.

Tomorrow, Emily's sisters Joyce and Frances are planning to come visit and spend the night. On Friday Dad's sister Mary and her daughter Lynda may be coming for a visit - I think that depends somewhat on the status of the canning.

Prayer requests
Please pray that Gene's doctors and other caregivers are led to make the very best decisions for Gene's care. Pray that Gene will grow in strength and that his courage will not fail him.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

August 18, 2009

Russ drove up tonight and he and Emily had a good visit with Gene this evening. He is much more alert and is communicating much more. It seems that it takes him such a long time to recover from the debriding procedures. Tomorrow the family has an appointment to speak with the doctor who is in charge of Dad's case about several issues. Steve will also be here and Alan will be at the meeting as well; Lynn's attendance will be dependent on the results of blood work tomorrow morning.

Emily had a bit of excitement on Saturday evening - she took a tumble in Lynn's driveway. Steve and Pat were at her house and called. She stumbled and fell on her way to her car. She said later that she saw stars. She started to call Lynn on her cell phone, but decided that she could just get up and drive home. Steve and Pat said that she pulled up and got out of the car with a bloody Kleenex held to her nose and mouth. When Steve reported the incident to Lynn, Emily overheard him and said, "oh, I guess you're going to tell on me aren't you." This is another of those incidents that goes to show what a plucky and amazing woman she is -- and also how her independence can be a bit worrisome at times -- not that any of her family would want it any different!

Prayer Requests
Please pray for Gene's strength to continue to improve, for his caregivers to make the best decisions for his care, and for the family to ask good questions. Pray for Emily to keep her independent spirit and stay safe!

Monday, August 17, 2009

August 17, 2009

Gene is still trying to recover from his last debridement procedure. He is very tired, and has run a temperature for the last couple of days. It seems that he may have another infection. They have started him on a broad spectrum antibiotic until they can do a culture.

Emily has spent a good bit of her time with him over the last few days. Last night he was more responsive. Emily is giving some thought to spending some nights with him over the next few weeks.

Emily will be having a birthday this coming Friday, August 21st. She said tonight that she really isn't in a very celebratory mood for her birthday, and of course, that's easy to understand. Birthday wishes from her friends and family will be very uplifting. Her sisters, Frances and Joyce are planning a visit to see Gene and to be here to wish her a happy birthday. Gene's sister Mary and her daughter Lynda are also planning a visit in the near future.

Prayer Requests
Please pray for Emily and Gene to have peace and the resources to face the challenges ahead.
Pray for Gene to have strength for healing, and for the doctors to choose the best treatment options available for Gene's benefit.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

August 16, 2009

Steve and Pat were here for a visit with Emily and Gene. They arrived last night and went this morning to spend some time with Gene. Lynn and Alan joined them for lunch. Emily made her famous fried corn again, and there was not a speck left! There was much passing around of pictures of Max and Madison.

Gene has developed an infection, but cultures are not back yet. Last night he had a fever, and they started him on an antibiotic. He has had very little energy. He acknowledges when he has visitors but is so tired that he's not able to focus or concentrate much energy on the visit; he opens his eyes for just a bit at a time. He smiled when Steve showed him the latest picture they had of Madison.

Emily visited him this evening and he seems stronger and much more alert and told her that he felt better. His temperature and other vital signs are fine, although his blood pressure is a little low. They have his vent pressure at 16 and his supplemental oxygen at 45. He asked Emily to wash his face, asked for a blanket, and asked what time it was. This is much improvement from the last few days.

Prayer Requests
Please pray for Gene to continue improve and gain strength. Pray that the doctors find the best course for treating his pressure wound. Pray that his respiration improves and his body is able to use the nutrients for his healing. Pray for Emily and Gene to have peace and the resources to face the challenges ahead.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

August 15, 2009

Gene is still very tired from the last debriding procedure. His temperature is a little elevated at 99, but his other vital signs are good. His pressure has been raised to 20 and his oxygen at 45 to help him breathe more comfortably while he is recovering from the debriding. He is having difficulty breathing whenever he is turned very much to either side.

The podiatrist came and worked on Gene's toenails, and Emily was not pleased with the effort, so she did it over. Joyce said that Gene's feet looked great when Emily finished and even some of the nurses commented about how good they looked. She also trimmed his fingernails, eyebrows, and sideburns and cleaned his ears. She is so attentive and tries to not only advocate for him in every way, but also to assure that he is as comfortable as possible.

Joyce went home this afternoon after a second visit with Gene and Steve and Pat have arrived late this evening to spend the night and tomorrow before going back to Atlanta. They are coming up on their 35th anniversary!

Prayer Requests
Please pray for Gene's body to have the strength for healing - his pressure wound, his respiration, and his ability to move. Pray for Emily and Gene to have peace and the resources to face the challenges ahead.

Friday, August 14, 2009

August 14, 2009

Gene is still exhausted from the debridment procedure, He seems but his vital signs are good. The debridement really sets him back each time they have to do it. They have his exygen set at 40 and his breathing pressure at 12. He seems very comfortable at those settings right now.

Joyce is here visiting Emily and they were at Kindred 3 times today. Bruce also came and did some massage which seems to be very beneficial for him. Two gentlemen from the Christian Business Men's Bible Study group came by to visit today and he was very glad to see them. Alan went to visit Gene late this evening and showed him a new picture of Max. That really perked him up.

A few updates on Gene's day to day routines. As a part of turning him, they have started pulling one leg up over the other one. This seems to give even more relief of pressure on the sore. When Emily is there he frequently requests that she wash his face with cold water. He also likes to have her put water on a sponge and put it in his mouth. Since he is being fed through a PEG tube (the gastric variety), he really misses actually eating and drinking. He has said a couple of times that he really misses his morning cup of coffee.

Gene still can't talk because the tracheotomy for the ventilator doesn't allow air to pass over his vocal cords so he just mouths words. It's very frustrating to him and to those that are trying to take care of him that he sometimes can't effectively communicate his needs and wants. As social as he is, it's very hard for him for him not to be able to talk with his visitors and have them understand him. It's often very hard for even those who are closest to him to make out what he is trying to say unless it's a simple word or two.

Prayer Requests
Please pray for Gene's spirit to remain strong. Pray for Emily to have strength and courage. Pray that healing will come to his pressure wound, his respiration, and his body.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

August 13, 2009

Gene is still very tired from the debriding procedure yesterday. Emily reported that they had turned his pressure and oxygen way up to make him more comfortable during the procedure, and that they were already working on bringing down both the pressure and the supplemental oxygen today and tonight.

Gene has had lots of company today. Bruce came again today and did some massage. There were also several other visitors. Joyce came down today and stayed with Gene while Emily went to her PEO meeting. It's great that she is able to come down and be such a support for Emily. And Emily's return to a few of her activities, such as going to church and PEO is a very good thing for her.

Prayer Requests
Please pray for Gene to gain strength and to heal. Pray for his body to be able to absorb the nutrients he needs, for his respiration to grow stronger, and for his spirit to remain strong. Pray for Emily to have strength and courage.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

August 12, 2009

First of all, the family is deeply appreciative of the prayers, support, and continued visits. The response to this blog is very important to Gene and Emily and the children.

Gene is still being fed through a stomach tube. The doctors indicated that his protein counts were not as high as they should have been. So as a response to that and to his weight loss, they are trying a new food formula. If his nutrition can get to optimum levels it will certainly help with his healing in all ways.

Today Gene sat up on the side of the bed for about 17 minutes and the Physical Therapists worked with his feet and legs while Emily rubbed his back with lotion. Bruce came and did some massage on Genes' arms, hands, face, and neck, and said that he would come back tomorrow. The Physical Therapists will work with him so that his massage is most beneficial. The Physical Therapists worked with his legs using the electrodes.

Today Dr. Bryce did another debriding procedure. During the procedure he removed a small piece of tailbone that had been broken. He reported that Gene did really well. His oxygen and pressure were both turned up this time to help him get through the procedure a little more easily, but by bedtime tonight they were able to begin turning it back down. His blood pressure, heart rate, and temperature were all good tonight, but Emily reports that he looks exhausted! It was so supportive that Dr. Carver, their minister, came to Kindred and stayed with Emily while they were doing the procedure.

Prayer requests
Please pray for Gene to have a good response to the debriding procedure so that his pressure wound can begin to heal. Pray for his body to be able to absorb the nutrients he needs, for his respiration to grow stronger, and for his spirit to remain strong. Pray for Emily to have strength and courage.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

August 11, 2009

Gene had a fairly good day today. Dr. Bryce the wound doctor visited him and evaluated his pressure wound and is going to do another debriding procedure tomorrow morning. Emily spent a good part of the day with him today and plans to be there tomorrow when they do the debriding.

Gene sat up for awhile today. It is very difficult for him and he has to be supported. While he was sitting up the nurse asked Emily if she would like to put lotion on his back - of course she was delighted to have that opportunity. Gene can feel the sensations when someone touches him, even though he has very limited movement.

It seems that after the debriding tomorrow there could be a set back in his breathing.

Prayer requests
Please pray for Gene to have a good response to the debriding procedure so that his pressure wound can begin to heal. Pray for his body to be able to absorb the nutrients he needs, for his respiration to grow stronger, and for his spirit to remain strong. Pray for Emily to have strength and courage.

Monday, August 10, 2009

August 10, 2009

Gene seemed to be comfortable but tired today.

His air pressure is set on 9 and oxygen is at 35. The occupational therapist worked with Gene today working with his arms on range of motion. He showed Emily how to do these range of motion exercises and told her it would be good for her to do them with Gene on a regular basis. The physical therapist worked with the electrodes on his legs to stimulate the muscles.

He had visits from Dr. Carver and Mose Payne from church. Jim West from the Friday morning Christian Business Men's Bible group that Dad belongs to also visited with him. Emily again spent a good part of her day at the hospital.

The wound nurse indicated that the Doctor will look at the pressure wound tomorrow. The family will be eager to hear what he has to say about the progress since the last debriding procedure.

Gene continues to lose a bit of weight at a time. The medical team has examined his nutrition and other possible causes. At this time, they do not have an answer for his weight loss, except the guess that perhaps his body is not able to absorb all the nutrition he is being given.

A couple of people have left comments or spoken about seeing Emily at church yesterday. It was good for her to be able to go.

Prayer requests
Please pray for Gene to continue to improve, for his respiration to grow stronger every day, and for his body to have the resources to heal the pressure wound. Pray for his body to be able to absorb the nutrients he needs for healing.

August 9, 2009

Gene's respiration pressure was lowered a bit today. He is still very tired, but seems to be much more comfortable. He is having difficulty breathing when he is turned to his left side, but seems to be doing better overall with breathing today.

Emily got up and went to Kindred at 6:30 this morning. She came home in time to go to church for the first time since Gene went into the hospital. It was a Gideon service, and it was a good time for her to go to a service. After church, she went to lunch with some friends and then right back to Kindred again. She was planning to go back again to say good night at bedtime.

Prayer requests
Please pray for Gene to continue to improve, for his respiration to grow stronger every day, and for his body to have the resources to heal the pressure wound. Pray for Emily to have the strength to take care of her own needs as she advocates for Gene and cares for him.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

August 8, 2009

Gene was very tired today and his respiration has not been strong. He has slept off and on most of the day. Emily did find him more alert and stronger this evening.

Today, the twins, Ann and Sue, along with Sue's husband Kenneth visited with Gene. Ann flew in from California, and Sue and Kenneth picked her up at the airport in Nashville and got here last night in time for a short visit. Today they visited and told stories and reminisced. They have spoken so often of what an influence he was in their lives when they were growing up at Mt. Victory. It is a testimonial to the connection that they forged that they traveled to see him.

Emily has spent a good portion of the day at Kindred. She met with Dr. McGill and is planning to go in very early in the morning in order to have a chance to see him. Gene's nurse, Dennessee, has offered to meet with Emily and the doctor if she would like to help answer any questions she might have.

Gene's respiration has been raised to 15 this evening. That is the highest it has been in some time, but he is much less tired and was feeling better. It is easy to forget that breathing can be such hard work! And it is important to remember that set-backs are all a part of the vent weaning process. As soon as he is a bit stronger they will begin to lower the pressure again.

Prayer requests
Please pray for Gene to continue to gain strength, for his respiration to continue to grow stronger, and for his pressure wound to heal. Pray that those who are charged with advocating and caring for him are able to ask and provide for his needs. Pray for both Emily and Gene to have strength and courage.

Friday, August 7, 2009

August 7, 2009

Gene has been tired today. His respiration pressure has stayed at 10 today to help him be less stressed after his debriding procedure. He now has a special suction bandage on his pressure wound which will help in the healing process.

He had visits today from Alan and Pennie, Shelley and Daniel, Dr. Carver, and Ken, Sue, and Ann. Of course, Emily was there three different times today, as she is on many days. Gene continues to be an inspiration. He is working hard at the task of relearning to breathe on his own; he is patient and kind to his care givers and family.

Prayer requests
Please pray for Gene to continue to gain strength, for his respiration to continue to grow stronger, and for his pressure wound to heal. Pray for both Emily and Gene to have strength and courage.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

August 6, 2009

Gene had another debriding procedure done on his pressure wound this afternoon. During the procedure his respiration pressure had to be raised to 15. They will begin lowering the pressure as soon as possible.

Dr. Bryce explained the procedure to Emily and seemed to think that it looked as though it may be quite possible that the wound is now in shape to begin healing. In a day or two, if possible, they will put a specialized draining bandage on the wound that will help with the healing process.

Prayer requests
Please pray for this latest debriding procedure to help Gene's body heal his pressure wound. Pray that his respiration continues to grow stronger. Pray for him to have peace of mind and the courage to face the next steps in his healing. Emily is very tired; pray for her to have strength and to be restored.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

August 5, 2009

Gene's respiration pressure was lowered today to a 5. This is the pressure he needs to be able to maintain in order to go to only oxygen supplementation. It is very hard work for him when the pressure is stepped down. He has been very tired, but has maintained his oxygen saturation level. This is definitely progress. If he continues to do well this evening, they will leave his pressure setting at 5 for overnight.

The pressure wound is still a great concern. Dr. Bryce seems to think that more debriding will be necessary. The family has been told that being weaned from the ventilator will improve Gene's overall ability to improve in all his other areas. He will be able to have more vigorous therapy, and will be more able to be turned so that his pressure wound has a better chance to heal.

Prayer requests
Please pray for Gene to have the strength to keep his respiration improving, and for his body to have the resources to heal his pressure wound. Pray for him to have peace of mind and the courage to face the next steps in his healing. Pray for Emily to have the strength to keep her focus and be able to give Gene the care and advocacy he needs while maintaining the home fires.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

August 4, 2009

Emily visited with Gene this morning and found him to be having a good morning.

His vent settings remain at pressure 6 and supplementary oxygen 30% - these are considered very low settings and mean that he is not on a rate any more. The ventilator is not breathing for him any more. The pressure is pressurized air that he gets when he takes a breath. The supplementary oxygen he receives is not a great deal above normal sea level air which is around 21%. So he is making great progress with the ventilator. He seems to be breathing comfortably at these settings. It is very hard work for him when they lower his settings, and it is great progress when he is able to be comfortable at a lower setting.

This morning he sat on the side of his bed with support for 17 minutes. He had his feet on the floor. Physical therapy is trying to have him sit up every day except weekends lengthening the time with each trial. He also had electrodes on his legs for muscle stimulation for about 45 minutes. Gene has movement in his ankles, but at this time cannot lift his leg up from a sitting position.

He is on an air mattress which changes pressure point periodically, this should help greatly with his pressure wound. His body position is also being changed every two hours with a wedge, although as described previously this is a delicate balance since it sometimes causes his oxygen saturation level to go down and he has to have the wedge removed.

Dr. Bryce, the wound doctor, came in this morning and indicated that his wound will need to have debriding again in the next few days. It is very important to keep dead skin from accumulating on the wound, since it can prevent healing and only healthy skin can heal. Dr. Bryce has let the family know that pressure wounds often get worse before they get better. The procedure should be able to be done with a local anesthesia there at Kindred.

When Emily visited with Gene this evening she found him to be in good spirits. His ventilator settings remained at 6 pressure and 30 oxygen for the second day. She read some to him from his Master Gardener newsletter, and assured that the nurse
s attended to him.

Prayer requests
Please pray for Gene's strength to continue to improve, for his respiration to grow stronger every day, and for his body to have the resources to heal the pressure wound that he has. Pray for Gene's children, grandchildren and Emily to have peace of mind.

Monday, August 3, 2009

August 3, 2009

Gene is having a much better day today.

It is very hard work to learn to breathe on your own again after the kind of shock to one's system as Gene had. He has some paralysis in one side of his diaphragm as well as the weakness that his pneumonia caused, so he really has to work hard when they lower the help that the ventilator gives him. He currently gets pressure and supplemental oxygen. The pressure today was at 6, and he has been breathing very comfortably. When he can sustain his breathing with pressure at 5 he will be ready for the medical team to take him off the ventilator and put him on supplemental oxygen only. The family also understands that once he off the ventilator it will be much easier to address all the other medical concerns including that pressure sore.

Gene's granddaughter, Elizabeth, spent part of the day with him today and read to him part of his memoir from the years he lived on the river down the Stepping Rock. He was very engaged with the story. The family will leave reading material in the room and any visitors who would like to read something to Gene is encouraged to do so.

Prayer requests
Please pray for Gene's body to continue to grow strong enough to allow his body resources to be used for the healing of his pressure wound and for his breathing to continue to grow stronger. Pray for Gene's children, grandchildren and Emily to have peace of mind.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

August 2, 2009

Gene was very tired today. His vent pressure and oxygen level are giving him very minimal support and so he is working very hard to breathe on his own. He is probably also worn out from all the visits from his children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren yesterday.

There is a delicate balance in treating his pressure wound - keeping him turned and keeping the pressure from being immobile in bed from worsening his wound, and keeping him in a place where his breathing is sustained at a level that gives him enough oxygen for healing. It seems that when he is turned much on his right side to relieve pressure on the wound, that he encounters difficulty with keeping his oxygen saturation level high enough - and sometimes the respiratory therapists move him back to his back. Of course the pressure wound is of great concern to all of his family.

The doctors have explained that his body is giving the highest priority for use of resources (food, water, oxygen, etc) to keeping his vital organs working and that the pressure wound is last in line for these resources. This time is very difficult for the family, as non-medical professionals, to try to understand all that's going on with him and to know exactly how to advocate for him in the best way.

Prayer requests
Please pray for Gene's body to grow strong enough to allow his body resources to be used for the healing of his pressure wound and for his breathing to continue to grow stronger. Pray for Emily to have peace of mind that she has been a strong advocate for Gene and has done her best to help see that he has had the best care.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

August 1, 2009

Gene had lots of visitors today.

The Howard clan as well as some extended family gathered at Emily and Gene's house for a visit and took the opportunity to go and see Gene in shifts. He so wanted to be able to be there. He had been instrumental in helping to plan the event and was particularly looking forward to seeing his three great grandchildren. He has loved watching his grandchildren become parents and is so proud of all of them.

The babies are not allowed to go inside Kindred, so the Mom's (Shelley and Lauren) went into the hospital room to visit with PaPa, and Steve, Pat, and Russ stayed outside and held Max and Madison up to the window so that PaPa could see them. He really enjoyed getting to see them.

As always, Emily had quite the spread. All the visitors pitched in and brought things or helped once they got there. The hit of the meal had to be Emily's corn. She cuts it off the cob, scrapes the cob to get the "milk" and puts it in a pan with butter and salt and probably some pepper and cooks it down. Today, Patrick worked the corn after the women working the kitchen assembly line got it all cut and scraped. Every single kernel of corn was eaten! There was also honey baked ham and turkey, and then green beans, tomatoes, a squash casserole, and cucumbers all from garden produce.

Visitors included -
Russ and his daughter Elizabeth and her son Elijah as well as Elizabeth's Mom Betsy
Lynn and daughter Shelley with her son Max, and daughter Liga, and son Valdis. Alan came later in the day after taking his Mom to the hospital (see that story on Lynn's blog)
Steve and Pat, and daughter Lauren and her daughter Madison, daughter and son-in-law Sarah and Ryan, and son Patrick
Emily's sisters Frances and her husband Bob, and Joyce and her son Mark,jr., as well as her son David, his wife Cyndi and their daughter Allison.
Gene's cousin Mia and her son Clyde

Prayer requests
Please pray for Gene's to have the strength to do the hard work to be weaned from the respirator. Pray that his body will grow strong enough to allow his body resources to be used for the healing of his pressure wound. Pray for Emily to draw strength from her family this weekend and to have the courage to continue caring for Gene and keeping her own needs in mind.